Monday 28 October 2013


The last in my mini-series of Asian beers courtesy of a family trip to Wing Yip in Croydon (it's like going to the beach for us except it's not full of awful sand and people all the misshapen people are wearing clothes,) is Chang, another honey hued amber lager type deal with a biscuity aroma and half a finger of head that disappears the moment you pour it. I'm starting to get the impression that a lot of these mass-produced Asian beers have similar profiles, the same way identical twins have similar profiles... And eye colours... And parents.

I'll make my predictions now before I taste the beer to see if my theory is correct. I are right good at science I am! I predict that this will be biscuity and refreshing whilst being crisp and easily drinkable with a medium mouth feel and little to no hint of hops.

I was right! Almost! There's a little kick of liquorice behind all of those things, which isn't unpleasant but it's not really enough to separate Chang from the herd.

I guess the lesson here is that if you want a cool, refreshing, sweet beer that is specifically from Asia then you might as well close your eyes and pick one at random because they all have the same profiles but with slightly different tweaks.

Food Suggestion: It has a similar sweetness that you'd find in a wheat beer so this would go well with any fish dish.

Drink this if you like: Repetition.