Wednesday 20 February 2013

Gadds - Dogbolter

I like Ramsgate, I like Gadds, I like the way that whole place does things. I'm a fan of the style, I like how simple they are with the design of their bottles and I respect their extreme levels of beer geekery. Dogbolter is a delicious smelling porter with overtones of mocha and chocolate that are so deep that you would be forgiven for getting a bit lost before you even take that first sip but doing that would be such an injustice because the low carbonation means that this porter is as silky smooth as the beard hairs of a hipster unicorn and the stinging bitterness at the end gives you the impression that you're drinking an alcoholic version of melted dark chocolate. In the background (and this is after a little while,) you get a hint of citrus, which means that Gadds may have stumbled upon an alcoholic chocolate orange! As far as porters go it is not as complex as something you might get from, say, De Molen (remember this reference,) but it is as rich and decadent as wiping your nose with a £50 note and as satisfying as playing the Jeremy Kyle drinking game (drink every time someone says something awful and drink every time you despair for society.)

The colour of the thing is odd, it's not as murky as most porters and if you hold it up to the light it is actually a deep burgundy colour. No normal person should notice these things but I find it interesting that it is so red that it has turned black.

I managed to procure this bottle, amongst a few others at The Offy in Whitstable, a place that seems like your average off licence but, in the corner, stocks one of the best ranges of local Kentish beers I've seen in any shop. They champion local and they champion it hard!

Food Suggestion: I want pancakes... I almost always want pancakes but this has put me in the mood for thick American pancakes with maple syrup. This would do well as a dessert beer.

Drink this if you like: This reminds me a lot of Darkstar Espresso, a delicious dark beast from down Brighton way.

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