Tuesday 21 January 2014

BBNo - 01|06 Saison Motueka Lime

From my very basic understanding of what a Saison is supposed to be, and it is really basic because the Saison is an odd undefinable kind of beer, I know that current trends and general consensus say that a Saison is supposed to be, at its core, 2 things. It is supposed to be light and it is supposed to be sprtizy. Spritzy isn't really a word but I'm sure you understand exactly what I mean. To be a Saison it should have that zing, that fizz, that undefinable quality that makes it the oddly beguiling style of beer it has become.

Now consider what BBNo have done here. They've made a light and spritzy saison with Motueka, a hop notorious for imparting an entire fruit bowl worth of flavour, and LIME, the spritziest and zingiest of all the fruits! What they've created seems, to the eyes and the nose, to be something quite magical. It pours as clear and as pale as spring water, has a light foam which leaves no speckling and smells like a fruit salad made with fruit salad sweets and garnished with lime. It is, as a concept, baffling in its beauty but it could be argued that Partizan have been doing stuff like this for ages with their Grisette series... Yeah, they have, but not like this. As far as aesthetics and... Nosethetics (?) go, this is in a completely different league.

It tastes like a saison, it's light, it's spritzy, it's got that core of yeasty goodness but it has hints of the smell permeating the flavour while you drink. Maybe the beer itself doesn't taste like how it smells but the combination of the 2 is excellent and if you take a big old chug, which you will, it starts to taste like some sort of delicious lime cordial. This would be absolutely perfect for a summery day, just pop the cap, relax in a piece of neglected garden furniture and watch the dogs roll around in the effluence of whatever vermin is indigenous to your area. Sounds perfect to me.

Food Suggestion: BBQ, no question, you've got to have BBQ with this. It's a summer drink, that's a summer food. I guess you should probably have some sort of salad with it too because that'd actually fit the drink better, but you certainly don't win friends with salad.

Drink this if you like: Could be compared to the Grisette series by Partizan but I'd say it's actually more similar in style to Partizan Single.

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