Monday 22 October 2012

Franziskaner Weissbier

Yay! I've been looking forward to reviewing one of the many beautiful beers I had in beautiful Munich and this is the very first chance I've had. It wasn't my first choice... It wasn't my second or third choice, in fact I had completely forgotten I'd even had it until I saw it on the shelf at Sainsbury's. I will happily admit that I audibly gasped when I saw it because when I remembered where I had this beer, a whole reservoir of memories came flooding back to me. It was the day I found out that, in Munich, it is acceptable to drink a pint with breakfast, which on a scale of one to "HOLY S*** YOUR HAIR IS FIRE! I'VE GOT TO PUT IT OUT WITH RAINBOWS!" is one step higher than going to Switzerland and buying a beer with my Big Mac.

The interesting thing about Franziskaner, and about all German beer for that matter, is how they turn only a handful of original ingredients (and it is only ever a handful because of how strictly they stick to the Bavarian purity laws,) into something that tastes like fruity toffee, whereas the exact same set of ingredients can make a much darker and more bitter experience. Franziskaner, owned by Spatenbrau/Lowebrau/That Brazilian company who merged everyone's name into something ridiculous, is one of the few mass produced German beers that ever see it over to English shores. I sure as Helles (get it? No? Drink more,) haven't seen a bottle of Augustiner or Paulaner Dunkel down the One Stop or on the shelves of my supermarket/everything you ever need store.

In fact, the only other one to have made it over and made any form of impact is Erdinger. So is Franziskaner better than Erdinger? That's really just a matter of opinion, however, Erdinger retains it's flavour throughout, Franziskaner starts off with a burst of flavour before settling down to a much more drinkable state, which some may think is a good thing and some may think is a bad thing. The aroma is of caramel and gravy and the taste is thick and sweet with hints of pear and treacle... This was never going to be a fair review, but no reviews ever are. I had this for freakin' breakfast! I had it with a pretzel and honey mustard and a boiled freakin' sausage! Made from veal! And various organs I didn't ask about! It was this or coffee, the people who chose coffee were the ones who didn't look like they would have lasted through anything that Munich has seen in the last 100 years... If you know what I'm saying.

Food Suggestion: Pretzels! Honey Mustard! Boiled sausage! Nothing else!

Drink this if you like: Drinking before noon without looking like a complete alcoholic. This is your loophole... You're welcome!

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