Wednesday 12 December 2012

Maredsous (Guest Writer)

((Hi there! My name's Drew and I'm the guy who's been writing all the reviews that you obviously love... Or at least tolerate. Today is a special day because I didn't write this review, this one was written by Drew's Brew's very first contributing author. His name is Russell Gammon and we go way back, so to make a differentiation between the two of us I shall call this review the following...))

Russell in Brussels
by Russell Gammon

Brussels. A city known for the Eurostar, overpriced hotels and boredom. What do these people do all day, given the lack of character the city has to offer? They drink. That’s what. They drink beer and they like it!

On a recent trip over there, a colleague and I took to the hotel bar, intent on sampling the beers on offer. The local barkeep (we’ll call him Pierre) told us to try something different; and so, a Maredsous was selected.

At 6 Euro for 6% (albeit at hotel prices), they offered some kind of symmetry you wouldn’t get with a can of warm Special Brew. Another thing that it didn’t have in common with the aforementioned tramp-fuel was the taste. It has a strong, not overpowering taste that is a delight on the throat. The thing that really pleased me about this beer was its consistency.

One qualm I often have with similar beers is that, like Usian Bolt boxing in a dimly lit room, they pack a powerful punch initially but run away into nothingness almost immediately. This beer isn’t afraid of hanging around and giving you a good time.

An excellent beer with a smooth yet strong taste. One of the better Belgian beers... And Belgian beers are good.

Food suggestion: Well given that I’d just had a lovely Kosher dinner, despite my lack of Judaism, I would suggest that this is a beer that is best enjoyed with foods that are blessed using methods from faiths that you do not hold. Specific.

Drink this if you like: Strongly flavoured Belgian beers! Also, does your mouth ever feel like it hasn't been assaulted enough during a drinking session? Yes? Well get this down you! Yummy!

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