Wednesday 30 January 2013

Thornbridge - Tzara

I've never been Koln but I certainly know that Thornbridge, as a brewery, can do precisely no wrong. I've been gorging myself, recently, on their entire repertoire and I've finally come to Tzara, something that looks and smells like an exquisitely crafted German lager, which appeals to my beer sensibilities like flowers with loose morals appeal to amorous bees. The taste has hints of syrupy figs with slightly stronger hops than you might expect, the body is crisp and extremely refreshing, it seems like the kind of beer that I could either drink very quickly before ordering another or slowly drink myself to death on over the course of several, mostly forgettable but none-the-less enjoyable, years. There's even a hint of orange peel when you decide to chug half the glass... Which you almost certainly will because you're a beer geek like me, which means you have no will power and possess mild OCD over things that either don't matter or are delicious.

There really are no words to describe how awesome Thornbridge are... Apart from the following: Thornbridge are probably THE BEST English brewer and that's because they just seem to have so much passion for making exquisite beer that appeals to the entire spectrum of beer drinkers as well as the entire spectrum of non-beer drinkers. I have no doubt that I could convert people to drinking beer with something from Thornbridge. They even have ridiculous, small-batch, stuff that you could quite easily equate to being like the Champagne of beer.

Drink Tzara cold and, because it's 4.8%, pour loads of bottles into a giant bucket and drink Tzara until happiness occurs.

Buy Tzara at The Bottle Shop in Canterbury and drink it out of one of their specially branded pint glasses for bonus points. It doesn't make it taste any better but it sure does make you look like some sort of king.

Food Suggestion: It's a German style beer, you know what I'm going to say... SAUSAGE! MASH! SAURKRAUT! MUSTARD! ... MAYBE A PRETZEL! BAM! That's good eatin'.

Drink this if you like: Augustiner, Ayinger, Spaten, Hofbrau and for all you plebs out there then, I guess, Becks.

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