Monday 4 March 2013

Brodie's - Dalston Black IPA

It's rather impossible to dislike Brodie's as a beer fan because they just tend to make extremely big and bold beers with pronounced aromas and rich, indulgent flavours. I get the impression, from the pour alone, that this Dalston Black IPA will be no different from the 2 Brodie's I have tried before. On the nose there is an absolute roundhouse kick of hops that bubbles through its thick and unyielding, wallpaper paste, head. The hops smell like goldings but I could easily be wrong, but you don't need to know that, all you need to know is that it has a heady aroma that is slightly citrus and a bit tart. When you take that first sip you are absolutely assaulted with BIG bitter flavours, it tastes like taking a gulp out of an edible swamp! It's bitter and hoppy, that may not sound like a lot but it's got a hell of a lot of those two elements and that counts for a lot when the rest of the product is presented to you so elegantly. This may have all sounded like a negative review but I love big hops and a mountain of bitterness, if there was an edible swamp then I'd be the first in line, this beer challenges you to keep drinking and then rewards you with a warm glow courtesy of its 7% content.

I have tasted 3 Brodie's beers and I have loved all 3 of them, they've got a 100% record with me and that's easily enough for them to go into the Drew's Brew Hall of Fame (otherwise known as the "likes" part of my Facebook page... Or, at least, I would add them if they had a fan page) Other inductees include Thornbridge, De Molen and Evil Twin, so they're in good company.

Yet another excellent purchase from The Bottle Shop in Canterbury. Take the train to Canterbury West and do your weekly shop at the Goods Shed, do it and be happy!

Food Suggestion: A really dry, spicy, Indian curry. I'm not talking about nosebleed stuff, just strong enough for you to feel it.

Drink this if you like: Nogne 500 is similar from what I can remember, though it's hard to remember anything after drinking that.

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