Wednesday 27 March 2013

Nils Oscar - Imperial Stout

Ahhhhh, now this is the one I've really been looking forward to, though when I say that about anything it often turns out to be a horrible disappointment but I suspect that's not the case with this one and there are a couple of reasons behind that. The first of those reasons is that every imperial stout I've ever had has felt like the head brewer of that company has just decided to have a bit of fun and make a BIG beer with BIG flavour and enough alcohol to kill a horse. At 7% you could consider this rather restrained for the breed but I prefer to think of it as measured because 7% seems about right.

Whoa! I just opened the bottle, took a sniff and the very first thing I got was the strong smell of bacon bits! This could be an interesting drink! The pour is thick and heady with two fingers of off-white cola foam that remains to form an aesthetically pleasing head. This smells like it's going to be more of a savoury drink than a bitter drink and I mean savoury as in sausages, BBQ chicken and salted peanuts. My hopes are officially up!

It feels very smooth and the taste seems to roll through several stages as the beer washes and rolls around your palate, eventually ending up in a slightly bitter-sweet fennel area. Before that you get hints of bread and cola as well as the usual hints of coffee and chocolate you seem to always get with stouts. In what is turning out to be a trademark of Nils Oscar, this Imperial Stout seems to have 2 contrasting characteristics which work well in an uncanny and slightly illogical way. Let me explain. Like all Nils Oscar beers, this is as easy to drink as a can of diet air but because of all the flavours going on, as well as the relatively high alcohol content, this beer also gives you a lovingly warm glowing sensation after you take a decent chug... Which is ridiculously easy to do because it's Nils Oscar.

So, to sum it up, you've got a beer that drinks like a smooth and creamy pale ale or lager but has the taste and complexity of a deliciously rich stout and the warming glow of a Trappist H-Bomb of a beer. This Imperial Stout is just so impressive because it's got everything, not only that but it has everything in balance! Nothing is overpowering, nothing is offensive or cloying, all the tastes and aromas compliment each other, there's nothing more I could ask for!

It makes me sad that after these free bottles have gone (and they'll go quickly) I will not see much of Nils Oscar in this country and that is a tragedy for beer fans nationwide.

Food Suggestion: Lamb hot pot or lamb roast, I really like the idea of this with a big old, fatty, leg with roasties and mint sauce.

Drink this if you like: Delicious, delicious, stout that tastes like happiness... Duh?

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