Thursday 14 November 2013

The Kernel - IPA Black

Have I mentioned recently how the Black IPA is my favourite style of beer? No? Well it is! Leading the way in the "Drew's favourite Black IPA (and therefore probably Drew's favourite beer (though we can never really tell because that dude is changeable as a chameleons gas,))" is Black Betty by Beavertown and "Scanner Darkly" the collaboration between The Kernel and Brodies. How will Kernel's efforts alone fare?

Hint: I've had it before, I really like it... But don't let that ruin the rest of the review.

It pours a lively pitch black with a big, bubbly head that may well spill over if you're not particularly careful... Which I wasn't. The aroma has hints of coffee (but they are only hints) and the hop tones are very light and subtle, giving way to a sugary, sweet shop smell that you can't help but be lured in by. The other important thing with The Kernel is to have their beer fresh, I had 2 bottles of Mosaic from them a while ago. I drank 1 straight away and left the other for nearly a month. The difference was subtle but noticeable, not in a bad way, it's just that it felt like a slightly different beer. They do like to push the ideals of drinking fresh, which is quite right! The fresh hop aromas and tastes I've got from some of their beers have been astounding as well as being something I've not experienced from many other breweries, precious few of which have been in this country.

Anyway! Black IPA! I believe a good black IPA should still, in essence, taste like an IPA, with a big hop profile, a refreshing body, no hint of creaminess or thickness or stodginess at all. They should be balanced but impressive. The Kernel's black IPA does this. It has the hop character there with its lingering bitterness that gut-punches you if you chug at it but on the surface there is a sweetness that reminds me of a good cup of coffee with a couple of sugars in it, which is pleasant, but if it stuck around for too long then this would just be a porter and not a black IPA.

This is, indeed, a solid Black IPA and at 6.5% it can be sessioned if you're a super-hardcore beast of a man/woman but is probably best utilised as an after work drink. The question remains though, is this better than Black Betty and Scanner Darkly? Well yes and no, it does different things! This has more roasty toastyness to it whilst retaining a hoppy demeanour whilst Black Betty is full on hops and Scanner is a big Black IPA with big hits of both. It depends what you like. I like all of them...

Food suggestion: Black forest gateaux. I could eat a whole one. Just get me a shovel and avert your eyes... This could get weird.

Drink this if you like: Any of the Black IPAs out there at the moment, if you're into that you'll be in this.

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