Sunday 24 November 2013

The Kernel - IPA Mosaic

In the past I have often questioned the idea of single hop beers, the argument being something along the lines of "if less is more, just think how much more MORE will be!" Using one hop was like using one ingredient to make soup.

"Like mushroom," my conscience said, "and tomato... And chicken... And what about French onion?"

At which point I gave up and decided that I'd been an idiot all along. There are a great many hops out there that can stand on their own and hold a beer, Mosaic is a true triple purpose hop, excelling at bittering, flavouring and aroma AND therefore it would seem rather dim NOT to single hop with it.

The pour is a light, cloudy, pale with a finger of head that withers down to cappuccino foam, yet leaves heavy speckling. The aroma is an earthy pine with subtle hoppiness coming through that almost translates into a slightly meaty smell, alluding to something with moderate hop bitterness.  It feels as smooth as Venetian silk and has that little hint  of Simcoe in there, alluding not too subtly to its own heritage. The kick you expect from an IPA waits for you in this beer, letting you enjoy the delicious picnic it set up for you in the park and then ensnaring you in a net it had set up underneath! This is a smooth and cunning beer with depth of flavour, floral elements and satisfying hoppiness.

This is a well balanced IPA, which in some beer circles is a dirty word, but I always seek balance in beer. Balance with interesting qualities that make the beer special, which this has. Top job... Again!

Food suggestion: Sunday Lunch... Chicken edition! This would go brilliantly with the chicken gravy as well as all those lovely roasty veggies! Boom! Another winner on your hands! You're welcome!

Drink this if you like: Any Simcoe based IPA, especially the Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA, it's like a mellow version of that with 2% less alcohol... But let's get this in perspective, ok? The Weyerbacher is a Mega-beast that'll rip your face off, this is a lovely hug after a long day.

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