Monday 5 May 2014

Oskar Blues - Old Chub

Tip 1 for drinking a Scotch Ale: Drink it out of something with a handle, if times are hard and washing up has piled up on you then a measuring jug or saucepan will suffice. Tip 2: Drink on St. Patricks day to point out that St Patrick wasn't actually Irish. Tip 3: Drink heartily, scratch yourself and curse openly because you're a bad man who drinks scotch ale.

The last tip is even more appropriate for this beer, which is called old chub, which in some parts of England could be construed to mean a rather compromising situation for an elderly gentleman to be in. A somewhat unlikely situation without the use of a few blue pills too.

Old Chub is a rich, dark, beauty with a sweet, brown sugar, caramel aroma with a little hint of wood chips. It pours like molasses and comes out with just under a finger of head, which reduces down to light foam and it clocks in at a respectable 8%... Oh and it comes in a can. This may not seem like big news to my American readers but the only can you can traditionally get in England that hits 8% is special brew and, I assure you, that the name is rather misleading.

What you get from Old Chub is, well... Without being crude, a bit of an Old Chub yourself. It's rich and sweet with little twangs of raisin and creme brulee. It's as deep as the Mariana Trench, leaving a lasting impression that takes minutes to remove itself from your palate and at the end it's got that little kick you get from Scotch which differs from the afterburn you get from hops because even though they can be equal in sheer violence, this seems smoother. It's the difference between being beaten to death with a cricket bat and being beaten to death with a belt made from peacock leather.

When done properly the Scotch Ale can be the sweetest of treats for the glutton with Willy Wonka levels of candy cravings and I can attest to Old Chub being right on the money. It's dark, bold, smooth and packs a punch that you won't mind taking but will probably put you on the floor quicker than you think.

Food Suggestion: Definitely a dessert beer, best had with creme brulee, panacotta or even a cheese board.

Drink this if you like: That feeling you get when you've eaten too many sweets. The sugar rush, not the sensation of nausea and impending, involuntary, oral output.

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