Thursday 8 May 2014

Ska Brewery - Modus Hoperandi

What was the Modus Operandi of Ska Brewing when they made Modus Hoperandi? I imagine it was to make a badass beer that they could put suited skeletons on... In badass hats and shades! If you've ever looked at a can from Ska Brewing you'll notice that there's a list of words around the top of the can, I only mention this because this one says "recycle"  twice and "HHH" once, leading me to think that this was funded by a WWE recycling initiative.

It pours well, in fact it pours so well that someone with no hands and severe vertigo could pour it perfectly. It gives a fluffy 2 finger head and has a slightly orange tint to its particular shade of brown. The aroma is sweet, it's got that rich, lightly caramel, lightly herbal nose that you often get from Simcoe hops though I wouldn't dare guess whether that was the main hop here. Either way it smells delicious and mellow. It's starting to look like their Modus Hoperandi was to make Drew a particularly happy bunny... Though that seems intensely unlikely when you consider anything other than the last couple of sentences eg. reality.

It's lightly sweet, piney, earthy, bitter at the back and as refreshing as dunking your entire head in cool spring water on a sweltering hot day. Ska don't seem to like putting percentages on their cans so I'm not entirely sure how drunk I'm getting but considering how easy this is to drink, I'm sure the abv would've been redundant anyway. A soothing, comfortable, refreshing beer with character from a quirky brewery who don't play by the rules, even if they did know what they were.

Food suggestion: Americans hate Indian food for some reason, which is a shame because this would go particularly well with a Madras or a even something silly sweet like a Kashmir or butter chicken. So how about Mexican? That's the Indian food of America, right?

Drink this if you like: Double Simcoe IPA by Weyerbacher or Black Betty by Beavertown.

1 comment:

  1. An awesome beer that's very smooth and I only had a sample! They certainly have the right modus operandi.
