Friday 16 November 2012

Meantine - London Stout

This beer is definitely not trying to be anyone's friend! Wow! The burnt coffee bean aroma is followed by the ashen taste of glowing wood chips without ever being too bitter to drink, not by a long shot, it's as smooth as a con artist covered in olive oil and is intensely satisfying to pour, having the closest thing I've seen to a draught pour from a bottle. This is a revived recipe from a simpler time when beer was as black as the Thames and you can certainly taste its' old school charm. I'm drinking it out of an old Guinness glass that I got from a charity shop and Guinness is probably the closest thing to this, though traditionally thick and smooth, the bottled versions are often watery and listless while still retaining that trademark flavour.

I prefer this... Out of the bottle at least, if you go to Ireland and get a Guinness on tap then I defy you to say that isn't the best thing ever. However, on the bottle market, there is so much more competition and Meantime have made a real contender. This is best had on a cold day in winter to stave off the effects of pneumonia and remind you of much warmer times.

Food suggestion: A little bit of dark chocolate or a rich dark chocolate torte to break it up and give it a new level of sweetness. It needs it, but it doesn't need a lot. Or, if you fancy, have it with jellied eels like a cockney mob boss... Yeah, like a boss!

Drink this if you like: Guinness... What have I been saying throughout this whole review?

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