Wednesday 5 June 2013

Red Horse

It's quite a rarity to find a beer from my (half) homeland, The Philippines, but when I saw Red Horse I leapt upon it like Tarsier leaps to it's horrible death... Enthusiastically! Made by San Miguel and almost exclusively sold in The Philippines, Red Horse is a 7% extra strong lager that pours like a regular lager with no more and no less head than anything else I've ever seen and it quickly dissolves to nothing.

I said a while ago on my Facebook page that this was never going to get a fair review, in fact because it's Filipino, it's going to get an intensely unfair review that glows brighter than the sun itself... Even if it does turn out to be utter bollocks.

It smells subtly malty (a bit weak) and the brave and honourable brewers of Red Horse have instilled an interesting aroma (at smells a little stale and odd.) The taste is reminiscent of a honeyed orange and tastes much more interesting than it smells (it smells of nothing.) I'm not entirely sure what I expected from this beer, maybe I just thought this would taste like San Miguel but it really doesn't. It is comparable to some of the more interesting lagers and pilsners I have tried in that this, at least, has gone big with flavour, even if it is a little unsubtle and has a slight cloying element at the finish. Ahem, I mean, the masterful brewers of San Miguel have created a beer that you can easily get really drunk on as you can't actually taste that it's 7% but after half a glass I can assure you that it definitely is.

If you find it (I found it on an excursion to Wing Yip in Croydon,) then it's worth buying it and at well under £2, it's totally worth it (just about.))

Food suggestion: Balut... Look it up.

Drink this if you like: Getting horrifically drunk on a budget.  

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