Thursday 13 June 2013

The Kernel - Biere de Table

Beers from The Kernel always look so pleasant and unassuming, almost safe in a way because of how they've made their bottles, all dressed in a friendly uniform that looks as home made as bike made out of disused coat hangers. This one is even more unassuming and friendly because it describes itself as Biere de Table, or table beer. For the uncultured, that means that this is a beer that is meant to be cheap and is to be enjoyed with food. From that you can extrapolate that the beer is not meant to steal the show, merely enhance it with a riveting supporting performance, like Natalie Portman in Leon... Or Donkey in Shrek.

Even when you pour this unassuming and friendly beer, it still can't help looking unassuming and friendly, what with it's light body that looks like cloudy lemonade in the right light and nearly 2 fingers of Mr. Whippy style head that sticks around for hours, never tiring of just being a barrier between you and lovely beer. It smells rather like a floral wheat beer, similar to the smells of many French ales. It starts off like a Belgian blonde before transforming into a heavily carbonated pilsner before ending up where it began, as a French ale. It's smooth but also tarte and tangy whilst retaining a refreshing quality that is most welcome. There are hints of the sweet shop about this beer but through the sweet fudgey notes there's a whole basket of citrus fruits in there just waiting to burst out. It seems like a mix between a lager and a wheat beer, something I can really get on board with.

I'm not a huge fan of French ale, which is why I'm relieved that The Kernel have stepped in to do it properly. Vive London!

Food suggestion: Some lovely French cuisine... I don't often eat French food but I will refrain from saying you should eat frog legs, snails and horse... Maybe just a baguette and some cheese... And eat it whilst watching a film that stars Gerard Depardieu.

Drink this if you like: La Goudale is an obvious choice but, most importantly, drink this if you don't speak any French and believe that this beer was actually made by a table.

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