Sunday 23 September 2012

Peroni - Gran Riserva

The words "Gran Riserva" make this beer sound a lot grander than it actually is. It is, by no means, a bad beer because it's a refreshing and easily drinkable beer with hints towards it's double malt without truly delivering. This is the kind of beer you really need to drink by the pint on a hot summer's day to truly appreciate because if you look at it as being just another in the lager crowd, which Peroni is (even if it is near the top of the mass produced lager crowd,) then it is a very good beer, it has light cereal notes and a little zing that reminds you that you're drinking something that can potentially make you fall over in a pile of your own sick. It's satisfying in it's own way but for just less than £2 for 330ml you can find much better value and MUCH more taste elsewhere. Considering that the mighty Curious Brew from Chapel Down is around that territory you'd have to be mad, or have a massive hard on for Italy, to pick it.

We really are spoiled for choice in the "fine lager" (which can really be anything that doesn't describe itself as ale or dark beer,) department now, especially since Sam Adams and the Brooklyn lagers have gained some steam over here. I would say that if this beer is ever on offer in your local supermarket, then you should buy it, buy 12 and make a night of it, but don't think that this is the best that "fine lager" has to offer us because as nice as it is, there is just better out there if you're willing to look for it.

Food suggestion: F*** eating! This is a fine Italian lager! You should be drinking this in a tall glass at a high table near a busy road whilst wearing ridiculous sunglasses, smoking and womanising. Though if I had to pick a food to go with it then I reckon a nice stodgy risotto would suit it well... Or a salad if I'd suddenly lost all respect for myself.

Drink this if you like: Kronenberg and are tired of having such s*** taste in beer.

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